teatro anatomico

International workshop on ...

Endocannabinoids in Endocrinology, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases

Scientific background and clinical perspectives

Padua (Italy), July 5-7th, 2007

Scientific Program

July 5th / July 6th / July 7th
program pdf

July 5th, 2007, Aula Magna, Palazzo del Bo'
  Welcome Address and Opening Lecture
  Chairman: R Vettor (Padua)
14.00 R Mechoulam (Jerusalem) Present and future of endocannabinoids research
  Endocannabinoids: From structure to function
  Chairmen: M Carruba (Milan), G Enzi (Padua)
Discussants: M Dalle Carbonare (Padua)
14.45 T Bisogno (Pozzuoli) Endogenous cannabinoids: structure and metabolism
15.25 K Mackie (Seattle) Cannabinoid receptors
16.05 A Leon (Padua) New cannabinoid compounds
16.45 Coffee Break  
  Endocannabinoids in Endocrinology (I)
  Chairmen: F Mantero (Padua), A Colao (Naples)
Discussant: F. Fallo (Padua)
17.00 V Di Marzo (Pozzuoli) Central and peripheral regulation of the endocannabinoid system within the framework of energy metabolism
17.40 M Maccarrone (Teramo) Endocannabinoids, hormone-cytokine networks and human fertility
18.20 M Rossato (Padua) Endocannabinoids and male reproductive function
19.00 Closing remarks

July 6th, 2007, Aula Magna, Palazzo del Bo'
    Morning sessions
  Endocannabinoids in Endocrinology (II)
  Chairmen: R Pasquali (Bologna), CM Rotella (Florence)
Discussants: E Arvat (Turin), M Boscaro (Ancona)
8.30 E Fride (Ariel) The role of endocannabinoids in the first periods of life
9.10 D Cota (Cincinnati) Endocannabinoids and the HPA
9.50 I Bab (Jerusalem) Endocannabinoids and the regulation of bone metabolism
10.30 Coffee Break  
  Endocannabinoids and Metabolic Regulation
  Chairmen: M Muggeo (Verona), S Del Prato (Pisa)
Discussants: A Avogaro (Padua)
10.50 R Nogueiras (Cincinnati) The cannabinoid system and insulin sensitivity
11.30 I Matias (Pozzuoli) Endocannabinoids in the control of adipocyte and beta-cell function
12.10 P Caraceni (Bologna) Endocannabinoids and liver diseases
12.50 F Rodriguez de Fonseca (Malaga) Effect of CB1 antagonists poorly penetrating the blood-brain barrier
13.30 Lunch  
  Afternoon sessions
  Endocannabinoids and Obesity (I)
  Chairmen: V Di Marzo (Pozzuoli), F. Rohner-Jeanrenaud (Geneva)
Discussants: E Nisoli (Milan), G De Pergola (Bari)
15.00 H Hansen (Copenhagen) Endocannabinoids and nutrition
15.40 A Izzo (Naples) The endocannabinoid system in the physiology and pathophysiology of the gastrointestinal tract: focus on feeding behaviour.
16.20 U Pagotto (Bologna) How CB1 ko mice may help to understand the role of endocannabinoids in the regulation of metabolism and food intake
17.00 Coffee Break  
  Endocannabinoids and Obesity (II)
  Chairmen: A Tiengo (Padua), S Cinti (Ancona)
Discussant: F Santini (Pisa)
17.20 C Pagano (Padua) Endocannabinoids and the regulation of adipose tissue function in humans
18.00 S Engeli (Berlin) Dysregulation of the peripheral and adipose tissue endocannabinoid system in human abdominal obesity
18.40 A Scheen (Liege) CB1 blockade and its impact on cardiometabolic risk factors
19.20 Closing Remarks  


July 7th, 2007, Aula Magna, Palazzo del Bo'
  Morning sessions
  Endocannabinoids in inflammation and cardiovascular disease (I))
  Chairmen: S Iliceto (Padua), E Agabiti Rosei (Brescia)
Discussants: A Zambon (Padua), F Di Virgilio (Ferrara
8.30 O Ullrich (Magdeburg) Endocannabinoids and immune system
9.00 T Iuvone (Naples) Cannabimimetic control of mast cell mediator release: new perspectives in chronic inflammation
9.30 Sabine Steffens (Geneva) Endocannabinoids in atherosclerosis
10.00 R Sarzani (Ancona) Endocannabinoids and the heart
10.30 Coffee Break  
  Endocannabinoids in inflammation and cardiovascular disease (II)
  Chairmen: R Vettor (Padua), A Mezzetti (Chieti)
Discussant: L Sechi (Udine)
10.50 S Batkai (Bethesda) Endocannabinoids and the cardiovascular system
11.25 G Grassi (Milan) Effect of rimonabant on blood pressure: evidence from clinical trials

Roundtable and Discussion

The future of ECS in Endocrinology, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases: the Efficacy/Safety Benefits of CB1 Blockade in Patients.

Speakers: A Sheen (Liege), G Grassi (Milan), R Pasquali (Bologna), U Pagotto (Bologna)

13.00   Closing remarks: R Pasquali (Bologna), R Vettor (Padua)





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